Since the mid-1980s, I’ve been capturing images for businesses, media agencies, publishers and organisations for publication and other commercial requirements.
As a committed commercial photographer, I’ve been successfully awarded a Master of Art in Photography, in addition to holding degrees in Photography (BA Hons), Media Production (FdA), and other photography qualifications and awards, such as Associate from the Royal Photographic Society.
Now returning to university to research Photography, Posthumanism, Psychogeography and Affect Theory.
Today I share my years of knowledge, experience and research as a Visual Practitioner within my mentoring programme, adventures, workshops and as an academic Guest Supervisor and Speaker at Universities, Colleges, and Camera clubs.
Interested in chatting, feel free to call me or book a video call.

Mark Stothard MA ARPS
Tel – UK 033 34 44 54 64 | Int +44 33 34 44 54 64
email – mark @ stothard.email